Tuesday, May 02, 2006

They're heeerre!

Lookee what I got in the mail yesterday... Yes, a package from my sockpal! Already! I was lucky enough to receive a package from my sockpal Beth and it was totally unexpected. For some reason, I had thought that the packages were supposed to go out in the mail today, not be received by today. Uh-oh. To my sockpal: I'm sorry I misunderstood... your package is on its way today!

I was so excited to get my package that it was all I could do to pause for a second between reading the card (from Boston, hey wait, didn't I just live there?) and pulling the socks on to take a picture. Sorry, I didn't manage to get the picture of them in the sock sleeve, but just imagine it's there... Anyway, the moment of truth...

They fit! They are probably a touch longer than I'd like, not enough to be bothersome at all, but I attribute that completely to my inability to measure my own foot. Overall, they're comfortable and they're a BEAUTIFUL color of blue TWEED with subtle specks of orange, green, and purple! How can Beth have guessed that I've been on a tweed kick lately and have recently come into 40 balls of tweed? I've never seen this pattern before, but it's a clean pattern with a small lace panel down the instep and along the sides of the cuff that really jazz up the sock without detracting from the super classic and oh so me understated tweed. Beth, you absolutely pegged me perfectly with these socks!

If you'll allow me to gush just a little bit more, it appears from Beth's blog that she started these only a couple of weeks ago, but she must be a master knitter because you'd never be able to tell that these were a fast knit for her. Absolutely no shortcuts taken here and as you can see from the closeups of the picot cuff, round toe, and heel that she knits beautifully.

The finishing is impeccable. I wouldn't normally show the inside of a sock, but it's just so well done that I felt it necessary to show off. How come I can't pick up stitches from the heel flap this well? If you're turning your head this way and that like I was after looking at this picture, the lower right corner is the leg and the top left corner is where the heel turn would be.
At any rate, thank you so much Beth for sending me such beautfiul socks. I LOVE them!

Is it normal that now I should feel a little less confident about my own socks? They're in the mail now, so there's not much I can do about it, but still...